Writing highly scalable Websocket applications using Atmosphere

by Jeanfrancois Arcand 

Friday, 13 June 2014 14:30 @ Room 2

The Atmosphere Framework allows the creation of asynchronous and WebSocket applications across browsers, mobiles browsers, and Java EE servers. Atmosphere applications can also be deployed in reactive frameworks like Vert.x, Play! and Netty, and it’s natively supported by frameworks like PrimeFaces, Apache Wicket, Vaadin, GWT, Jersey, Richfaces and many more.

In this session we will first introduce the WebSocket protocol and the challenge associated with production ready WebSocket’s applications. Then we will demonstrate how easy it is to write WebSocket’s applications using the Atmosphere Framework. We will introduce Atmosphere’s pure JavaScript library and its fallback transports support, allowing browsers and servers that doesn’t yet support WebSockets to work transparently, without any code modification. We will then demonstrate how WebSocket’s applications can be highly scaled using the Hazelcast’s In-Memory Data Grid. We will conclude the session by comparing Atmosphere functionalities with Socket.IO, SockJS and JSR356.